How to Find and Deal with the Duplicate Content on Your Site

 Currently, we would like to give the following informative tutorial on what the duplicate content is and how to deal with it under the repeated demands of our loyal readers. Moreover, we make out this professional and easy-to-understand tutorial on the rock-solid basis of our related hands-on Internet practices for more than ten years. More information is carefully presented as follows.

How Does Duplicate Content Affect Your Site?

In short, the prevailed so-called duplicate content is an Internet term which is applied by the search engine optimization and refers to the content appearing on no less than one website pages. Moreover, it describes the substantive parts of the web content across or within domains and usually can be closely similar or totally duplicate. Note that if several pages on one website include the same content, the search engine like Google, will crack down or penalize this site for any related search result.

Furthermore, the duplicate content makes search engines hardly define which versions of the query results to rank and which ones should be excluded or included. In this way, it has a bad effect on your site's search engine rankings.

Where It Comes From?

When it comes to the reasons why the duplicate content is generated and where it comes from on earth, there are numerous factors actually. For instance, some content management systems, such as the leading CMS WordPress, adopt the comment pagination which contains different article URLs pointing to the same site, which can make the content be duplicated.

Moreover, it occurs due to the constantly-changed URL parameters utilized by the content management system, such as the renowned Joomla. It means that every link to your page has differentiated URL parameters, which give the same search results but are completely different in the eyes of one search engine. In addition, some printer-friendly web pages and session IDs can also be the source of duplicate contents.

How to Find It?

Generally speaking, there are multiple automatic and manual methods available to find out the duplicate content and we sort out some useful and simple solutions for checking it out. For instance, the Google Webmaster Tools is a helpful method for checking the duplicate content, with which you can take a whole review of the duplicate-related descriptions and titles. Also, you are able to define whether the content on your site is duplicated by making one title or snippets' search in Google. For example, you can search related keywords or in-titled similar articles in the Google search page.

Moreover, you can achieve this goal by making use of some excellent duplicate content checkers on the market. We have listed some popular ones in the following. is an online service to check duplicate content by comparing website URLs. You enter the required URL, and the tool brings up URL results in a matter of seconds that have the same content as your mentioned website has.

It is the most used online tool for website comparison. The tool has two versions available. The free service brings about ten results without any deeper details. The paid version offers unlimited search options with multiple details including text excerpts, full site searches, monthly monitoring of a website against plagiarism and a detailed analysis of the website. With the assistance of the analysis, you can easily write SEO optimized blog posts to boost traffic.

Plagspotter is another duplicate content checking tool that is available online. You enter the URL, and the tool lists down the other sources of content if there is any duplication in a few seconds. If no duplicate content is found, it shows a zero resources mark with a thumbs up sign.

It is a free tool, and many options are available for a detailed analysis. One interesting feature is the “originality report” that lists down the text marked as a duplicate. The paid version of the service is also available with many daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly options. The price varies based on your selection of the plan but is affordable.

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism checker is another handy tool from It compares a text excerpt rather than a URL. You enter some text excerpt, enter a Captcha to make sure you are not a robot and the tool compares the entered text with any duplicate content available online.

In the end, it shows you how much percentage of the text you have entered is unique and shows the links of duplicate content. It is a handy tool, and you can check the originality of the text before posting it to your website. All the services available on including the plagiarism checker are free of charge.

Similar Page Checker

It is also a free service from As the name suggests, this tool compares two website pages and shows what percentage of their content is similar to each other. The tool is useful when you want to compare to similar webpages from two different sites.

The result percentage can show how much of the content is similar to each other. It is handy when you have two websites with similar content or a website that has similar content as you have put on your website.

It is another text comparison tool to check plagiarism. You enter a paragraph of text in the available text box and select which search engine you prefer. This tool has given two options of Babylon and Yahoo. You choose one of them and click “check duplicate content” button. It takes a few seconds and the results are shown at the bottom of the page in a tabular form.

The first column of the table shows whether the content is unique or not. Second column has the sentence of the text that has been checked. The last column mentions the domain having the duplicate content if there are any.

How to Deal with It?

In this section, we would like to give some pertinent and practical suggestions on how to address and deal with the duplicate content as follows. Give a hit of the following parts and select the most useful one according to your preference and appetite.

Set up 301 Redirect

The mentioned 301 Redirect is widely used for URL redirection and is admitted as the most popular method to deal with duplicated cases. What's more, no matter the content can be accessed by several URLs, it can be canonicalized for any search engine with the help of 301 Redirect. Additionally, it can create one strong relevancy between the similar URLs and produces a positive effect on the SEO rankings.

Set the Preferred URL Structure and Domain

In fact, setting or selecting your liked or preferred URL structure can greatly make the site away from the case that several URLs directing to the same web content. Besides, you are required to define how your domain displays, such as it should be displayed without or with www.

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Use the Meta Tags and Canonical Tag

To eliminate the annoying duplicate content, you are also able to make use of related meta tags to lead search engines index the exact web page. In details, you can use the meta tags in the form of <html>, </head>, <title>…</title> and so forth, and they work well in presenting your site to target audiences.

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In the meantime, you can adopt the canonical tag to tell the search engine which version for one page you like to link and this method is the most appropriate option for people who have several versions for one page. In addition, the mentioned canonical tag is usually showed in the header place of one website page.

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