The Best Call to Actions Use These Simple Techniques
As far as inbound strategies go, the call to action is one of the most important elements of turning the reader into an actual lead. Companies use call to actions to convince readers to click on a link, usually one that will bring them to a landing page where they can sign up for a newsletter, sign up for promotional content, download something for free or anything else along those lines in return for providing the company with their name and address. Call to actions can be used on your website, your blog, your newsletters, your social media pages and more. Of course, the content that leads to the call to action has to help the reader to trust the value that the company is offering, while the call to action itself needs to entice the reader to click on the link. Strong call to actions can be the difference when it comes to generating real leads, so it’s important that you put the effort into creating them. The following are a few techniques that you should use to create strong call to actions:
Use words that incite action
The most effective call to actions use the second person point of view, thereby directly addressing the reader. You want to empower the reader to click on the link by using verbs such as “find,” “discover.” “learn.” and more to incite readers into action. It’s called a “call to action” after all, so use words that incite the reader to take action by clicking the link.
Provide the benefit
Your call to action needs to be clear in addressing to the reader why they should click the link. The call to action should have a short description on how clicking on the link will benefit them, whether they will improve their sales, lose weight within three weeks, make more money or whatever it might be. It needs to be clear what the benefit is for taking action by clicking the link.
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Use a sense of urgency
Call to actions should be urgent, as if the reader should take action immediately or there will be a chance that they will miss out. Many readers multitask while looking at blogs, which means that they can be easily distracted. A sense of urgency in your call to action will make sure that their focus is on clicking the link. Words such as “now” and “today” help drive home this effect.
Make sure your call to action matches the landing page
If you tell your readers to click your link in order to download a crash course on online marketing and they follow the link to a landing page that offers a free e-Book, they are going to be confused. Even though the crash course you are referring to is the actual e-Book, readers are not going to make that connection. Make sure you use the same language in your call to action as you do on your landing page.
Make sure the link can be seen
Readers often browse, so if they don’t see the call to action link, then you’ve missed the opportunity to create a lead. Make sure that the call to action is large and that the link is easily seen. Consider using large buttons that they can click on instead of textual links, which can be difficult to see, especially for mobile users who may have difficulty clicking on them. You may even want to use a completely different visual design for the call to action section of your content in order to separate it completely from everything else that is on the page. This will help draw the attention of the reader immediately, so that those who skim or skip your content will at least read the call to action.
These are a few techniques that you should use to create strong call to actions.
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